
keeping organs alive by submerging them in cold saline and perfusing oxygen-rich gas through their vasculature


The ScubaTx System comprises a small, portable, multi-organ Base Unit and a portfolio of organ-specific Consumables. It is being designed in 2020 from the ground up, utilising the very latest components and design processes. It will deliver the 3 key components of Persufflation:



Organs are submerged in cold saline. This decreases kinetics of metabolic activities. 


Humidified oxygen-rich gas is delivered through the organ’s vascular to reduce hypoxia.

Photo by eranicle/iStock / Getty Images


Humidity & pressure levels are controlled to deliver perfusion without tissue damage.

The ScubaTx™ System


1: Base Unit

Small, smart, stackable and affordable. Compatibility with all organ types maximises investment efficiency, and helps healthcare providers justify acquisition of more life-saving units. Patent filed.

(note: image is representative only)


2: Organ-Specific Consumables

2-way communication with Base Unit for enhanced security, reduced need for user input, and to ensure only genuine ScubaTx™ consumables are used. Patent filed.


3: Mobile Application

Providing detailed, real-time feedback on organ status for Transport Staff and Surgery Team.

(note: image is representative only)