“Persufflation has a track record and has been safely used for years. What’s held us back is the lack of automation and ease of use. Right now you need someone like Bill* - a world expert in persufflation - with you all the time”

Professor Derek M Manas, Director of The Institute of Transplantation.

*Dr William Scott, ScubaTx™ CSO

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Dr Bill Scott (right) in an early persufflation study. Constant presence of skilled technical personnel has been required to monitor and adjust gas flow.

The ScubaTx™ base unit is designed to automatically deliver Persufflation without the need for additional technical staff. We call this PSF-Autopilot™.



PSF-Autopilot™ is a key enabling technology of the ScubaTx™ system. It comprises an integrated array of software technologies that are grounded in the work our CIO, Dr Leo Freitas, a world-renowned expert in the development of critical software systems. He has worked on projects for NASA, Mastercard, national security organisations and on Class III Medical Devices.

By combining the compelling physical features of the ScubaTx™ system with the very latest in software systems design, we will be developing an unmatchable proposition: an automated (simple to use), safe, secure and accountable device for extended organ preservation. PSF-Autopilot™ and its core components are the subject of recent patent filings.


Expert automation 100% of the time: The skills and knowledge of world-renowned persufflation ninjas available to all users, independent of expertise.


More secure: The organ-specific consumables “programme” the Unit. Prevents human error, reuse or counterfeiting.


Accountable: On receipt of the organ, the surgeon receives a simple, guided, actionable summary of the organ’s transport history, backed-up by full data.